A Building System that meets all needs, even in the most critical conditions.
Located at a latitude of 63°24‘ S and a longitude of 56°59’ W on a rocky surface at 25 meters high and 30 meters from the coastline, the Esperanza Base is located in Hope Bay, Trinity Peninsula, the northernmost part of the Antarctic Peninsula.
The structure was inaugurated in 1952 as a permanent base, and it now consists of 43 buildings for a total covered area of 374,400 sqm. It accommodates up to 90 people during the summer which fall to 55 in the winter season. In addition, around 1,100 tourists visit the structure each year during the austral summer.
In 1995, the first experimental work carried out with the Emmedue Advanced Building System in Antarctica was realized for the expansion of the Esperanza Research Base, managed by the Argentine Army. In the following years, the Base was further expanded reaching 6 residential units, also built with the Emmedue Building System.
The decision to adopt the Emmedue Building System enabled the housing units of the Esperanza Base to be built in less time than what would have been
possible with traditional systems. In fact, with the Emmedue System, it is possible to have a 40% saving on the timing, which allowed to realize the required structures during the short period that characterizes the Antarctic summer (December - January), before the soil was covered again by ice and snow, and before darkness fell on Antarctica again. The speed of application of the System is guaranteed by the easy manoeuvrability and ease of assembly of the Emmedue Panel, even under the most difficult operating conditions.
Furthermore, the application of the Emmedue
System has proved to be a winning choice as it
allows constructing buildings that last over time and do not require maintenance. In fact, the buildings made with the Emmedue System are made of reinforced concrete and EPS panels, materials that are able to withstand the harsh climatic conditions of Antarctica, unlike metal structures, material with which the remaining units are made, which tend to corrode quickly due to phenomena such as humidity, infiltrations, thermal changes; therefore, these require periodic and expensive maintenance interventions, and often even the complete replacement of the entire unit.

In addition to the advantages mentioned above, it should be pointed out that the Emmedue structures perform an excellent thermal insulation, which is why the System has proved to be particularly suitable for the construction of the new units that make up the Esperanza Research Base. This aspect of the Emmedue System is due to the fact that the Emmedue Panel is made with an EPS core that extends throughout the surface which makes up the building envelope eliminating thermal bridging. The thickness and density of the panel can be customized according to the specific thermal insulation needs.
The walls of the units in question, were realized with the PDM150 Double Panel with 7 cm thick slabs, thus obtaining a final wall thickness of 34 cm that guarantees a transmittance of 0.219 W/m²K. The floors were made with the PSS120 Floor Panel, which allows to obtain a thermal transmittance of 0.3 W/m²K.
The characteristics of the panels used for the construction of the housing units of the Esperanza Base were specifically designed to cope with the harsh climate of Antarctica, where the average winter temperature is -10 °C (14 °F), with minimum peaks up to -60 °C (-76 °F), while the average summer temperature is +0.2 °C (32.36 °F).
In the area, winds can reach 200 km/h, which is why the decision to adopt the Emmedue System has once again proved to be appropriate. In fact, constructions made with the Emmedue Advanced Building System in areas with high cyclonic risk, where winds can reach even higher speeds, have shown their ability to resist the passage of the most powerful gusts of wind, also confirmed by tests carried out in renowned laboratories internationally recognized.
Customer: |
Argentine Army |
Typology: |
Research Base residential units |
Year of construction: |
1995 |
Building materials: |
Emmedue EPS panels |
and reinforced concrete |
Technical specifications: |
walls: PDM150 7+7, d = 25 kg/m² |
roofs: PSS 120, d = 15 kg/m² |
Esperanza Base in Antarctica
lat. 63°23’53.275" S
long. 56°59’50.198’’ W
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